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Given the advances of the past couple decades, ice fishing equipment has come a long way. newera hats wholesale , ? Gone are the days of freezing your tail off, hunched over a hole with a rod cut from a summer pole attempting to catch fish through a hole in the ice. ? Today’s equipment allows for unprecedented mobility as well as great comfort to allow for longer and more successful trips to the ice. ? Below is a list of the top 10 things that you can get to make your time on the ice more productive and enjoyable.
????10) Ice Fishing Plastics???
Today’s plastics are revolutionary in that they at times catch more fish than live bait. ? This normally comes from their scent and durability. ? Using one piece of Berkley Powerbait to catch a dozen fish is not uncommon.
????9) Wheel House
Gone are the days of 3 hours to move your permanent ice house. ? With a wheel house you can jack it back up, hook it up to the truck and move on down to your next ice fishing destination. cheap snapback hats wholesale , ? A great way to cover more ice and not dread moving from a hot spot that has gone south.
????8) Glow Jigs
Perfect for those low light times or when fishing water that is murky, many of today’s jigs come with glow paint on them that often increases catch rates immensely. ? Popular models include the Lindy Frostee and the Genz Bug. ? Simply place the jig next to a light source, preferably an LED light source, and your jig will illuminate very bright to draw in the fish.
????7 Underwater Ice Fishing Camera
Nothing has increased people’s understanding of the underwater world more than this piece of equipment. ? The underwater camera allows you to watch everything that is going on beneath the ice on a TV screen. snapback hats wholesale , ? It allows you to use minor adjustments to coax more fish into biting your bait.

