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If you have camisetas de futbol americano to cut calories to lose weight, why not just skip a meal here or there? I mean, really, the less you eat the more you lose, right?
The answer, my friends, is a loud and obnoxious NO! Never, ever, ever skip meals in an effort to lose weight. Skipping meals only makes you fat. I know, it's the opposite of what you'd think but check this out.
Eating actually helps your metabolism. Eating often helps it even more. You see, even though we know it's the year 2008, our bodies still think we're back in a time when food was scarce. That's definitely not the case now with a fast-food joint on every corner. Our pantries camiseta borussia dortmund are stocked full of easy access foods ready to pop in the microwave for immediate gratification. We don't have to hunt for our food anymore. We don't have to gorge ourselves in preparation for times of famine. We are gluttonous by decision so why can't our bodies seem to catch up with the times?
Muscle, although attractive and nice to the touch, is actually very costly in times of famine. One pound of muscle requires 50 calories a day camiseta bordeaux girondins just to survive. Fat, on the other hand, requires no calories to survive. It's just an endless storage space for energy. Since our bodies don't believe we live in times of plenty, when we go hours and hours without eating, our bodies start preparing for the famine. It uses muscle mass as fuel instead of tapping into those fat storages. It actually starts holding onto fat.