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Over the last few years the popularity of the ground blind has exploded. They are easy to setup, very safe (no chance of falling out of tree), can be put in open areas with little cover, and they conceal movement well. ?? Blinds are great alternatives to tree stands and a tool that should not be overlooked, but to have consistent success with ground blinds some things must be done. nueva camiseta real madrid , camisetas del real madrid baratas ,
?When hunting deer from a ground blind, you must brush it into cover such as bushes, tree limbs, grass, cattails, hay bales, corn stalks or whatever is available blend it in. Deer often will not tolerate just the blind sitting alone. Take your time covering the blind up and make it look as natural as possible. Put brush over the top as well as on the sides to help take down the shine on your blind and camouflage it as well. Camisetas UEFA Champions League , A few extra minutes brushing your blind in can make all the difference in having deer walk by unalarmed or having a deer sit there for an hour blowing and stomping. ?? Ruining the hunt for the night and educating the deer for making future hunts less productive.